Monday, January 13, 2014

One Down...

After three, annoying, cancellations due to St. Louis Snowpocalypse, we finally had our first rehearsal for Rent last night. It was good. We sound good. Like good. I, as was to be expected, was nervous...but really once we got going it was fine. One of the most reassuring, if not intimidating, parts of the whole evening was how well most of the cast already knows the material. I am learning as I go; but a handful of the cast, not counting the folks who have already done this show, seem to know it by heart...freaks. haha, just, but really...I'm only half intimidated now. 

Observations from last night:
 1.) There are no two alike in this production! You need only look at the bevvy of hair and clothing styles to see that...and wait until we speak and sing, haha. Talented weirdos of every variety. it's nice.

2.) The production team, maybe even more so than the cast, is super excited to be staging Rent. This artistic team is going to make us look and sound gggooooooodddd! Thanks! 

3.) All the companies who own rights to musicals and books need to get their shit together. I have NEVER worked on a show where the book and the music matched up 100% Why is this? Isn't that their job? Don't they charge a butt load of cash for the rights to perform their property? Well, then buckle down, put on your big gal panties, and fix it! Makes me crazy.

4.) Found out there is an orgy of sorts in this musical...Contact. I didn't know that. OK then...3-2-1 have fake sex on a 12 ft moon. haha. OK.

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